1.What is the Mobile speed score in Google Ads?
The Mobile speed score in Google Ads is a metric that measures how fast your website loads on mobile devices. A high Mobile speed score indicates that your website loads quickly on mobile devices, while a low score indicates that your website needs improvement in this area.
You can use the Mobile speed score to help improve your website's performance on mobile devices and to make sure that your website is delivering a good user experience to mobile visitors.
2.Why is the Mobile speed score in Google Ads important?
The Mobile speed score in Google Ads is a measure of how fast your mobile website loads. This score is important because it can impact your website's conversion rate and click-through rate. A higher mobile speed score indicates a faster website, which can lead to more conversions and higher click-through rates. A lower mobile speed score indicates a slower website, which can lead to fewer conversions and lower click-through rates.
According to Google, the average mobile speed score for all websites is 67 out of 100. This means that most websites could stand to improve their mobile speed score.
3.List some examples of Mobile speed score KPI in Google Ads?
1. Time to interactive: This measures how quickly your mobile ad loads and becomes interactive for users. A lower time to interactive score means that your ad is loading quickly and users can engage with it sooner.
2. First contentful paint: This measures how quickly the first element of your ad appears on the screen. A lower first contentful paint score means that your ad is loading quickly and users can see the content sooner.
3. Speed index: This measures how quickly your ad loads and becomes fully visible for users. A lower speed index score means that your ad is loading quickly and users can see the content sooner.
4. Bounce rate: This measures the percentage of users who leave your ad after viewing it for a few seconds. A lower bounce rate means that users are finding your ad relevant and engaging.
4.What impacts Mobile speed score in Google Ads?
Google uses a variety of factors to determine the quality and relevance of your ads, including mobile speed score. A well-optimized ad campaign should take into account all of these factors to ensure the best possible results.
There are a few things you can do to improve your mobile speed score. First, make sure your ad creative is optimized for mobile devices. This means using smaller images and less text. Second, use relevant keywords in your ad copy.
Reference 1: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/9238823?hl=en
Reference 2: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-ads-updates-mobile-speed-score-for-landing-pages/294401/