LinkedIn Ads

Sponsored InMail Send Rate

1.What is the Sponsored InMail Send Rate in LinkedIn Ads? 

Sponsored InMail Send Rate measures the percentage of sent Sponsored InMail messages compared to the total number of messages attempted to be sent. Sponsored InMail is a targeted ad format that allows advertisers to send personalized messages directly to LinkedIn members' inboxes.

2.Why assigning a Sponsored InMail Send Rate in LinkedIn Ads important?

Assigning a Sponsored InMail Send Rate in LinkedIn Ads is important because it helps advertisers measure the effectiveness of their InMail campaigns. A low send rate could indicate that the message is not resonating with the target audience or that the targeting is too broad. By monitoring this KPI, advertisers can make adjustments to their campaigns to improve their send rates and overall campaign performance.

3.List some examples of Sponsored InMail Send Rate KPI's in LinkedIn Ads.

Some examples of Sponsored InMail Send Rate KPI in LinkedIn Ads include:

  • Total number of In Mails sent divided by the total number of In Mails attempted to be sent
  • Percentage of In Mails that were successfully delivered to the target audience
  • Percentage of In Mails that resulted in a click or conversion
  • Percentage of In Mails that were opened and read by the target audience

4.What impacts Sponsored InMail Send Rate in LinkedIn Ads?

Several factors can impact the Sponsored InMail Send Rate in LinkedIn Ads. These include:

  1. Audience targeting: if the targeting is too broad, the message may not resonate with the audience, resulting in a lower send rate.
  2. Relevance of message: the message needs to be personalized and relevant to the recipient, or they may not engage with it.
  3. Frequency of messages: too many messages can lead to inbox fatigue and result in lower send rates.
  4. Time of sending: sending messages at the right time when the audience is most active can improve send rates.
  5. Quality of content: well-crafted messages that are visually appealing and contain a clear call-to-action can lead to higher engagement rates and send rates.
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