Overspending can be a real drag, especially if you're running an ad campaign on Google. The problem is Google has been known to spend double your budget, which could be way more than you bargained for.
But don't sweat it - this script has got you covered. The "Control Google Ads Budget Script" is a helpful tool that allows you to keep your Google Ads spending in check. By setting up automated rules, you can prevent your campaign from exceeding its daily budget, ensuring that you stay within your financial means.
This script is particularly useful because it helps you avoid unexpected expenses that may occur when running ad campaigns. It gives you peace of mind knowing that your ads will still be displayed but at a pace that aligns with your budget goals.
Overall, the "Control Google Ads Budget Script" is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to maximize the value of their Google Ads campaigns without overspending.
How does the script work?
With the "Control Google Ads Budget Script," you don't have to monitor each campaign's spending and budget manually. Instead, you can set a threshold multiplier, and the script will automatically label any campaign that exceeds its budget multiplied by the threshold. You'll receive an email listing the newly labeled campaigns along with their spending and budgets.
You can even set an additional threshold so that the script will pause a campaign if its spend exceeds your budget by a certain amount. Additionally, the script checks whether a campaign's spend falls below your labeling and pausing thresholds. If so, the script will remove the labels and unpause the campaign.
This feature ensures that campaigns are correctly labeled and paused as needed and that any changes to a campaign's budget are reflected in its status. Overall, the "Control Google Ads Budget Script" streamlines the monitoring process and helps you optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency.
Before setting up the script, get familiar with the interface and navigation in Google ads.

- Tools- The Tools tab provides direct links to various Google Ads account tools. Use these tools to monitor and make changes to your account, ads, ad groups, and keywords.
- Bulk actions- It allows advertisers to modify multiple campaigns, ad groups, ads, or keywords in a single action, saving time and effort.
- Scripts- It allows advertisers to automate and customize their bulk actions. This tool allows advertisers to create custom scripts that perform specific actions on their campaigns or accounts, such as updating bids, pausing underperforming ads, or adding new keywords.
- + button- It allows advertisers to create new scripts.

- New Script- It allows advertisers to create a new script from scratch.

- Add Script Name- It allows advertisers to name their scripts.
- Authorize- It allows advertisers to grant permission for their script to access their Google Ads account.
- Save- It allows advertisers to save their scripts after making changes or creating new ones.

- Frequency- It allows advertisers to set how often a script runs.
- Script - Given script name is Control Google Ads Budget Script.

- Run- It allows advertisers to execute a script.

- Logs- The log statement in Google Ads Script Tools is used to output messages to the script's log, helping advertisers track progress, troubleshoot issues, and create custom reports.
Steps to add the Control Google Ads Budget Script in Google Ads:
Step-1 Log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to the "Bulk Actions" tab.
Step-2 Choose "Scripts" from the drop-down menu.
Step-3 Click on the "Add" button to create a new script.
Step-4 Copy and paste the Control Google Ads Budget Script.
--> Understanding and changing a couple of settings in the script:
- The campaignNameContains and campaignNameDoesNotContain filters allow for selecting or ignoring campaigns based on specific keywords in their names.
- The email parameter specifies the addresses to which notifications will be sent.
- The currencySymbol, thousandsSeparator, and decimalMark parameters are used to format budget and spend numbers in the email notifications.
- to format budget and spend numbers in the email notifications.
- The labelThreshold parameter sets the threshold for labeling campaigns as overspending, based on their spend relative to their budget.
- labelName is the name of the label that will be applied to overspending campaigns.
- The campaignPauser parameter can be set to true or false to indicate whether campaigns that are too far over their budgets should be paused.
- The pauseThreshold parameter sets the threshold for pausing campaigns based on their spend relative to their budget. It must be greater than or equal to the labelThreshold so that paused campaigns can be properly labeled and reactivated when their spend becomes lower.
Step-5 Next, click the "Authorize" button to authorize the script to access your account.
Step-6 Click on the "Save."
Step-7 Go back to the "Scripts" section and find the "Control Google Ads Budget Script" script at the top of the list.
Step-8 Then, set the frequency at which you want the script to run (suggested to run it hourly).
Step-9 Then click on Control Google Ads Budget Script.
Step-10 “Run the script.”
Step-11 Once the script has finished running, click on the "Logs" button to see the results.
The logs will show you the date and time the script ran, any errors that occurred, and any email alerts that were sent.
- The script is only compatible with search and display campaigns and cannot be used for video, shopping, or universal app campaigns.
- The script cannot completely prevent going over budget because it runs hourly, and there is a 15- to 20-minute delay in the spend data, which could result in the campaign exceeding the spend threshold between runs.
- Scheduled scripts do not run exactly on the hour, so campaigns will not be reactivated at midnight but rather when the script first runs on a new day, which typically occurs between midnight and 1:00 a.m. If your campaign receives a lot of traffic during this time, you may want to consider using automated rules to unpause the campaign exactly at midnight.
- The labelThreshold can be set to less than 1, such as 0.9, which will trigger an email when the campaign reaches 90% of its budget.